Sept. 2023

Hi Friends! After a healthy amount of time on sabbatical, it's so good to be back and l'm looking forward to re-connecting with you. As l've tip-toed back into the swing of things and talked, texted or dm’d with some folks, pretty much everyone wants to know what I've been up to.

I won't bury the lead. I planned to travel parts of the world – for a yoga intensive in Bali, then ice-climbing on Mount Washington, and head "right up the street" to Palo Duro Canyon and Big Bend to hike. Sounds exciting, right?! But God had something different planned. And where I thought I would spend a few months traveling and then hop right back into all things post-public-office life (whatever that means), instead I spent seven months journeying through one of the most heart-mending, soul nourishing, challenging, and restful times of my life.

I found a respite in the Rocky Mountains. Slipped on my Birkenstocks. Did the whole stretchy pants thing I heard so much about during 2020 and 2021. I slept in. Abandoned anything resembling the 80+ hour a week schedule I once had. I hardly went to any events. Spent as much time outside as my allergies would allow. I reconnected with my best friends and family in a deeper way.

Most importantly, I reconnected with myself.

And, I rested.


I can't wait to tell you more about what rest meant to me and also what I am up to now. I'm streamlining all my previous communication touch points so if you want to stay connected, please sign up to keep in touch here or follow me on instagram @devjallen.

I can't wait to hear from you!

Peace out,

P.S. If you reached out to me in 2023 and I didn't respond, I promise I wasn't really tryna ghost you, that was just my hard disconnect in full effect. I'm circling back to you soonest!

Dec. 2022

Upon leaving public office, I took a much needed (and deserved) break before pursuing everything else I was born to be. Thank you to all who kept up with me on instagram and signed up to receive updates from me! >> Keep In Touch

Nov. 2021

The following was my public statement “The Next Stage of My Purpose,” issued 11/23/21 as Tarrant County Commissioner, Precinct 2, on not seeking re-election.

When I was elected on November 6, 2018 and sworn into office on January 1, 2019 as a Tarrant County Commissioner, I couldn’t have imagined what lay in store for me or our community. History was made. Being the first, the only, and the other as I often say; the first African American to be elected to represent Precinct 2. The only woman serving on this court and the third ever in its 100-plus year history, and one of the youngest to serve as well.

I interviewed for the job for a year and a half. I spent countless hours talking to voters, just as many who didn’t look or think like me as those who did. I received politically and racially motivated threats of violence for running. Still, I ran my race, an effective professional grassroots campaign of which had never been done in any recent county race. The voters hired me. I was grateful then for the opportunity, the honor, the responsibility to serve. I am grateful now.

Who knew that just over one year into my first term a global pandemic, a global social justice movement and a 100-year storm would befall our world and state. All within a year and that these unimaginable events in time would coincide with a multi-year season of great personal loss for me. A season that tried my spirit, tested my will, and one that ultimately left me stronger and ready for even bigger fights.

I understood the assignment. I was sent here to show up every day and to give my absolute best. Not to make my name great. Not to be the mouthpiece for an ideology or a puppet to any master. I was sent to serve the people. To show up and speak truths even when bullied, even when disrespected, even while openly and behind closed doors, enduring discrimination in various forms.

And while I don’t condone the actions of any of those who so regularly and pridefully enacted such willful ignorance, immaturity, or hatred, I can acknowledge that through the pain, the work you sent me here to do was reaffirmed. What I am doing is working and is effective. Otherwise, why would dissenters fight so hard against me and work so hard to tear us down? So, for all those who sent me here, who have been rooting me and our team on - we did it and we are doing it. We, you, me, our amazing and high performing Precinct 2 team, set a new standard of what to expect from your county commissioner. That transparency is more than a word, it’s intentional action. That being inclusive isn’t a catch phrase for the temporarily woke, it is a daily act of recognizing our differences and making room for them.

For those in our county and beyond who are watching and wondering if you can do it, whatever your it may be and for those who have grown weary of being the first, the only and the other, you can do it. Opposition and haters will abound. Count it all joy and be it anyway. Live it anyway. Life is not promised and there are people in this world waiting on your gifts, your talents and your experience to help them use theirs.

To that end, the next stage of my purpose on this earth awaits me and I am excited about the opportunity to make a global impact on issues affecting women. To do so, and this has been an extremely hard decision to come to, I will not be seeking re-election to continue serving as county commissioner.

I know this decision will disappoint many and for that I regret causing such an effect. Please know that I will spend the next 404 days completing my first term with continued laser focus to bring to fruition the vision I have for Precinct 2. If you want to join me in ensuring equity and access in county government, this is your invitation. We need more sojourners.

And, while I don’t believe it is my place to tell you who should assume this role after my departure. I do have in mind the type of leader it will take to build upon what I have started, someone who has a proven track record as a committed public servant and values similar to those that have guided me and someone who will love the people and the work more than they do the title. I will share who I will endorse at the appropriate time. Of course, and with all due respect, it is ultimately up to the voters of Precinct 2 to make the decision.

Until then, I remain all in, to the very last day.